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Making social media fun and
effective again!

Maintain a social media strategy that works for you—not against you. Forget the late nights spent wondering what to post and the constant headaches. With the right approach, growing your presence becomes a joy rather than a chore.

Do any of these hit home?

You tirelessly show up and post every day, yet progress seems out of reach, making you doubt the value of social media.

You think marketing means relentless self-promotion. (Hint: It’s not and it won't be!)

You've amassed a community, but converting them to download your freebies or as clients remains a mystery.

Your content is impeccable, but you’re struggling to connect with your audience.

Your website, branding, and photos are on point, but you’re stuck on how to proceed.

Deep down, you know that building your online influence and community shouldn't be a guessing game.

let's cut to the chase and find your winning formula!


Starter Package

The Starter Package is ideal for anyone just beginning their social media adventure.


Whether you’re a therapist, medical doctor, coach, or small business owner, this package gives you the essentials to get noticed and start growing.


Having someone take over my social media who understands mental health and wellness is so important...

I'm very satisfied with the progress! And most of all, I'm happy that I am able to devote some of my time back to other projects.

I'm now able to focus on the things only I can do for my business!


I love the organization of MJ and her team. The system they use in Clickup makes it so that I know exactly what is being worked on, and the progress. They clearly communicate where they are on projects which I appreciate.

I would highly recommend you to anyone and thank you for everything!

Dr. Carrie Jackson

Parent Coach and Licensed Child Psychologist



September 2022

May 2024


Dr. Carrie made a stunning +94% community growth in just 20 months!


Along with this growth were significant increases to her email list and sign-ups to her online courses and coaching programs! Plus, brand collaborations and deals!


Advanced Package

This one's for the go-getters who are ready to kick it up a notch in the social media game.


If you're ready to level up, keep the momentum going, and show the world what you're made of, the Advanced package is your golden ticket


I am very grateful for the vision of MJ and her commitment to excellence. She has been an absolute joy to work with and truly an answer to prayer.

This has truly been the greatest and most beneficial investment I have made as an entrepreneur. 

My overall experience has exceeded my expectations. The team's ability to produce high-quality content that is mapped out over time has been phenomenal.


The monthly planning meetings to discuss analytics and what's next have also been very helpful and allowed me to maintain a clear focus. 


MJ's project management style is a great fit for my needs!


I have felt very heard and appreciate the way you have shown that you're listening to my desires while also pushing me in ways that match my goals.


For example, this has been evident in the soft, yet direct approach to keeping my audience aware of all the growth resources I offer.


I have been able to devote more time to creating content that only I can carry out. The amount of time I spend working in the evenings has dramatically decreased (and has been noted by my family).


Now, when I travel for business/pleasure I have a sense of relief that things are getting done. The systems and structure that have been put in place as well as the press page and changes to my website are excellent and increased my value.


Most of all, my online community has loved the consistency of content and the thoughtful engagement.


It is so nice to trust MJ's team and I appreciate all of the grace and flexibility the team has shown with all I have happening. 

Dr. Charryse Johnson

Expert Mental Health Consultant, Founder of Jade Integrative Counseling, Mindfulness Practitioner, Author and Keynote Speaker



January 2023


May 2024


Guess who defied the odds with a mind-blowing 167% growth over a year?

Dr. Charryse smashed it!

She went from scattered to structured, keeping everything on point.

It’s been a journey, but she’s on fire, resonating with her community and expanding her digital footprint with real purpose!


Premium Package

If you're craving that next-level, full-throttle boost for your online presence, this is where it's at!


This isn't just any old social media management deal—it's the deluxe, top-of-the-line, "let's get serious" kind of package.


Imagine a smooth-sailing social media strategy and my A-team that wipes out all that confusion and banging doubts.

We're here to create a blueprint that keeps you inspired, sure of yourself, and always on point!

my clients are

  • Entrepreneurs with high-demand services and have a solid brand identity.
  • All about collaboration and trusting my team's skills to steer the ship.
  • Patiently navigating the 3-6 month timeline of digital marketing; they're eager to explore new strategies, knowing that social media growth and progress require experimentation.

my clients have been featured in...


I also like how they capture who I am as a therapist and as I develop into my own brand.

How MJ and her team capture ideas and content that resonate with my followers is what I love the most!


I also like how they capture who I am as a therapist and as I develop into my own brand.


They do a great job of listening to my vision! I had more people reach out for collaboration and compliment me often on the content I am putting out there.


At this time, I am satisfied with how things are going and I'd highly recommend MJ and her team!

Aurora San Pedro

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Coach, and Wellness Advocate



Let's make moves—here’s how!


Not quite ready with any of these options yet?

Here's a gift for mental health professionals and coaches like YOU!

This Kit gives you the basic foundation for managing your Instagram account to help you build and grow your therapy/coaching business.
I've received multiple inquiries and what better way than to compile all those questions and supply the answers here!

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