Referral Program | MJROSARIO
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Refer and get the best out of it

For believing and trusting in me to help your friends and fellow entrepreneurs, YOU deserve so much more!

Here is the process:

Spread the word.


Please email me at with the complete name of the person that you're referring to and your Paypal payment link.

Direct them to my website, especially on how they can work with me.


From there, they can complete my intake form, depending on what service they'd like to go with, and I can monitor it as soon as they hit submit.

Get paid and earn a discount.


As soon as the client signs and pays, you'll:

  • receive a 30% referral bonus, one-time (minimum of $999 investment), or

  • receive a 20% referral bonus, one-time (if the investment is less than $999)

Plus, get a 30% discount when you sign up for any of my services for the first time!

  • 30% on the first month for monthly retainers

I'll then email you a copy of the Paypal receipt once the payment is successfully processed.

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