my main mission
making it easy. for you.

I believe you can only do so much in a day, or be at your peak when you are free from any worries and not think of a million things all at once.
I am here to help Mental Health Professionals, Medical Doctors, and Coaches get the best of both worlds, personal and business life, by making it easy for you to focus on what you do best.
oh, hello!
Thank you for visiting my humble virtual abode, and I'm really happy you're here!
Here's a quick peek at my story...
I started my business last 2020 as a General Virtual Assistant at the height of the pandemic. I was serving literally any entrepreneur from different sectors who needed the help!
I was eager to learn the nitty gritty of the online space and it was a loooot take on at that time, to be honest - from email marketing, website creation and updates, social media marketing, and a whole lot more!
This is when I decided to focus on one thing at a time and I started giving my full attention to social media marketing and management primarily Instagram.
As I immersed myself in the social media marketing world, I also become more interested in the other parts of digital marketing like email marketing and website updates/maintenance.
My growth didn't stop there and continued to evolve toward project management specifically with systems, organization, tech integrations, and automation!

Looking back, I'm both proud and humbled by my journey.
I can still recall borrowing my brother's laptop (which I'm still using to this day when I travel or work outside of the house) and just started taking baby steps!
Before opening my business, I was either at work or at home dying to catch some sleep. Now, I detached myself from applauding the "hustle yourself to death" culture -- I just feel the happiest and most content!
I get to appreciate and value LIFE again!
As more and more clients sought my help, I didn't feel exhausted at all. I just enjoy what I do and the more fulfilled and successful I feel with my clients' progress and successes!
I finally found what I love to do!
Myers Briggs: INTJ
Enneagram: 1w2
Dream place to visit: Switzerland
Favorite TV Series Shows: Forensic Files, Grey's Anatomy,
and Prison Break
Favorite Bands: Vertical Horizon, Incubus, The Fray, Creed, Nickelback, Dishwalla (almost all 90s bands!)
some fun facts...
why mental health professionals?
Why not? :)
Mental health professionals and medical doctors already have a lot on their plate and digital marketing isn't something taught in school - at least not yet -- so this is where I come in!
Working with mental health professionals not only gave me a strong sense of purpose and direction in my business, but it made me realize that in my own little ways, I can help lessen the stigma about spreading awareness of mental health.
Plus, they're one of the kindest and best people to work with!