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Social Media Management should be easy, right?

Writer's picture: MJ Rosario-MalubayMJ Rosario-Malubay

Do these questions sound familiar? Or did it ring tons of bells? 😂

In a few discovery calls I had with some potential clients, these are some of the statements or somehow statements with a tone of questioning that need to be further discussed for clarity.

That way, any misunderstanding could, at all costs, be avoided, and these top two questions/statements are:

👉 This shouldn't take that much time?

👉 This should be easy, right?

This used to take me aback when a prospect said/asked these things because it immediately made me think:

💡 it wouldn't take much time if all resources are available and there was enough preparation

💡 if it were easy, you could have done it instead? 🤷‍♀️


Yes, in a perfect world, it shouldn't take much time to finish the project if all resources are easily accessible and there's enough preparation.

However, we're not living in a perfect world, right? 😂

We do our best to deliver quality work as soon as possible but sometimes there are external factors that will affect your project timeline including:

👉 How quickly you can give feedback during the process

👉 How open and accessible the communication is

👉 How long does it take for your third party services such as domain/hosting providers to respond and resolve your requests (if applicable)

👉 How quickly you can provide us with the content and assets needed for the project

But then, I took a step back and gained some perspectives like

💡 maybe this potential client is asking this because she wants to know the turnaround time or wants to be given an estimated time that a task/project will be completed because there are other tasks that are dependent on it

💡 maybe the prospect is asking if it's easy because she had seen that I've done it with some previous clients and just needs reassurance that I can do it again OR wants to know the depth of my knowledge and experience in a given task/project

..and these all made sense!😊


The truth is that social media management is not as easy as it sounds.

It's a challenging job, and it's not always quick as what most people would think.

I'd be lying if I say it's a walk in the park!

There are many different channels to be on, which are constantly changing. It can take a lot of time and effort to keep up with these changes.

When questions like these come up on calls or meetings, I don't immediately jump to conclusions and be defensive, like I used to. 😅

I put myself in their shoes, ask questions and clarify when necessary.

I do my best to read between the lines, analyze where the question is really coming from and try to fill the need/gap.

To my fellow service providers, let me know if you have a similar experience and how you've handled it then and now 🙌

Cheering you on,

MJ 💕


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